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Sunday, May 24, 2020
Racial Prejudice By Gordon Allport - 1551 Words
The study of prejudice dates back as far as 75 years ago, Gordon Allport, an American psychologist defines prejudice as â€Å"a feeling, favorable or unfavorable, toward a person or thing, prior to or not based on actual experience.†Allport has a five-phase model of â€Å"acting out our prejudices.†In order of least to most damaging to the group being prejudiced, the phases are antilocution, avoidance, discrimination, physical attack, and extermination. These forms of prejudice range from small groups of people agreeing on negative stereotypes to the â€Å"systematic and planned destruction of a group of people based on their group membership.†(Ponterotto) Of the five phases of prejudice Antilocution is probably the mildest form of prejudice. It consists of conversations that express negative feelings about people because of membership in a particular group. An example could be a group of athletes making fun of nerdy kids who may not be as fit or athletic as t hem. Antilocution often happens when small groups consist of individuals who share a negative prejudice about a certain group. Antilocution expresses the use of prejudicial language in â€Å"safe†circles consisting of other individuals who share the same prejudices. (Tan) The next phase, known as avoidance involves group members going out of their way to avoid a certain minority group, group members isolate themselves from the minority groups to feel better. An example could be an rich suburban women who refuses to shop at Wal-MartShow MoreRelatedSociological Theories Of Prejudice And Racism1645 Words  | 7 PagesSociological Theories of Prejudice and Racism Functionalist theory argues for race and ethnic relations to be functional and thus supply to the melodic conduct and strength of society, racial and ethnic minorities must assimilate into that society. Assimilation is a process by which a minority becomes socially, economically, and culturally absorbed within the dominant society. 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