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Powerful Essay on why malignancy is preventable. Malignant growth is the subsequent driving reason for death in the United States. This y...
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Racial Prejudice By Gordon Allport - 1551 Words
The study of prejudice dates back as far as 75 years ago, Gordon Allport, an American psychologist defines prejudice as â€Å"a feeling, favorable or unfavorable, toward a person or thing, prior to or not based on actual experience.†Allport has a five-phase model of â€Å"acting out our prejudices.†In order of least to most damaging to the group being prejudiced, the phases are antilocution, avoidance, discrimination, physical attack, and extermination. These forms of prejudice range from small groups of people agreeing on negative stereotypes to the â€Å"systematic and planned destruction of a group of people based on their group membership.†(Ponterotto) Of the five phases of prejudice Antilocution is probably the mildest form of prejudice. It consists of conversations that express negative feelings about people because of membership in a particular group. An example could be a group of athletes making fun of nerdy kids who may not be as fit or athletic as t hem. Antilocution often happens when small groups consist of individuals who share a negative prejudice about a certain group. Antilocution expresses the use of prejudicial language in â€Å"safe†circles consisting of other individuals who share the same prejudices. (Tan) The next phase, known as avoidance involves group members going out of their way to avoid a certain minority group, group members isolate themselves from the minority groups to feel better. An example could be an rich suburban women who refuses to shop at Wal-MartShow MoreRelatedSociological Theories Of Prejudice And Racism1645 Words  | 7 PagesSociological Theories of Prejudice and Racism Functionalist theory argues for race and ethnic relations to be functional and thus supply to the melodic conduct and strength of society, racial and ethnic minorities must assimilate into that society. Assimilation is a process by which a minority becomes socially, economically, and culturally absorbed within the dominant society. The assimilation perspective assumes that to become fully fledged members of society, alternative groups must adopt as muchRead MoreDehumanization And How It Affects The History Of Psychology1996 Words  | 8 Pagesthe African lacked human essence. Finally, the colonialists considered the Africans as less than human; they ranked them with brutes (Duckitt, 1992). These three components shape the history of social psychology with respect to slavery. Gordon Allport Gordon Allport was a very prominent figure in the field of social psychology. He helped shape the development of psychology and development of concepts that would change the society with respect to how people perceive others. He had a vast interest inRead MoreCan Prejudice Ever Be Eliminated?1094 Words  | 5 PagesCan prejudice ever be eliminated? Prejudice: Discrimination, stereotype against other groups of people/individuals; mindset Racial, Homophobia, Gender, Religious Ever: Absolute term Eliminated: Removed completely The idea of prejudice has been present for several decades now, and is so deeply rooted in our society today. They can be defined as a set of negative and irrational feelings, beliefs, and actions that are directed towards those of a different race, culture and religion. In theRead MoreSocial Pyschology: Prejudice1729 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is the cause of prejudice? This is one of the few questions of interests in the field of social psychology. This essay will evaluate the social psychological approach to understanding prejudice. Social psychology is a scientific form of explaining human behaviour. It was developed by Gordon Allport in 1985, social psychology focuses on social interactions that cause various behaviours. It is scientific because behaviour can be observed therefore measured in many forms. This is an objectiveRead MorePrejudice in the School Systems and How to Fix It1549 Words  | 7 PagesToday’s concerns about ethnic prejudice, taking place in the schools, are being brought to the forefront. In response to these concerns, two weeks of summer training is being considered as a requirement for all teachers and staff members. Some are under the impression that prejudice and hate are inevitable and therefore do not find the training necessary. What is being presented will address these concerns and show everyone that prejudice is prevalent with in the schools and can be reduced. ThereRead MoreEthnocentrism Is A Basic Attitude Expressing The Belief That One? S Own Culture Essay1731 Wo rds  | 7 PagesEthnocentrism is closely related to other attitudinal indicators for racism, xenophobia, prejudice, mental closure, and, more generally, an authoritarian personality structure. Ethnocentrism is widely used in research on social and political attitudes because it proves to be a very powerful and easily identifiable attitude that can be measured in a valid manner with a limited number of variables. Although ethnocentric prejudice can be directed toward one specific outsider group, empirical research revealsRead MoreCrash: Social Psychology1250 Words  | 5 Pagesbackground, culture, lifestyle or ethnicity as them, yet still every individual is equal, they’re all humans. As humans, people have the tendency to have their own unique perspectives on the world around them and everything it encounters. Psychologist Gordon Allport (1985), one of the founding fathers of personality psychology, defined social psychology as a discipline in which scientific methods are used in order â€Å"to understand and explain how the thought, feeling, and behavior of individuals are influencedRead More The Link Between Nazi Propaganda And The Holocaust Essay2873 Words  | 12 Pages The main focus of the Nazi propaganda movement was the Jews as an inferior race. However the Jews are not a race of people but an ethnic group. As Gordon Allport states When people confuse racial with ethnic traits they are confusing what is given by nature and what is acquired through learning. The Jews are present in nearly every known racial class. They were categorized as a race because of the movement at that time to define people as they appear and to put everyone into their own raciallyRead MoreThe Theory Of Social Psychology1654 Words  | 7 Pagesdepends on the environment, in which the person is placed (Freeman, Ma, Young, Han, Ambady, 2013, p. 1). If I had the ability to perform an experiment I would be curious to learn if the amount of racial diversity where a persons lives directly effects how quickly they can interpret race. Gordon Allport, who is described as one of the founding figures of modern social psychology created the definition of social psychology that we use today (Jones, 1998, p. 3). He defined social psychology as a subfieldRead MoreCritically Evaluate the Cognitive Theory of Stereotyping.3286 Words  | 14 PagesCritically evaluate the cognitive theory of stereotyping. B231: Social Interaction, Exam Paper 1998, Question 4. Graeme Gordon Stereotyping is a form of pre judgement that is as prevalent in todays society as it was 2000 years ago. It is a social attitude that has stood the test of time and received much attention by social psychologists and philosophers alike. Many approaches to, or theories of stereotyping have thus been raised. This essay evaluates the cognitive approach that categorisation
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Beowulf Comparing Beowulf and Wiglaf - 1213 Words
In the literary work of Beowulf, it is imperative to analyze the relationships between characters and how those relationships function to create new meaning or a better understanding of the literature as a whole. In Beowulf, it can be said that the characters of Beowulf and Wiglaf share parallels that serve to show Wiglaf as becoming the next king, and not only the successor of the throne, but a sign of hope for the doomed society of the Geats. These similarities can be recognized especially well through the Anglo Saxon beliefs of what makes an exceptional warrior, as well as certain language chosen when describing the two characters. Furthermore, the two characters mirror each other in motifs of the story such as the father and son†¦show more content†¦92). The next motif that illustrates the similarities of the two warriors is the parallels seen in their coming of age stories in which they are reborn to be a king. In the instance of Beowulf, there are multiple ba ttles leading to his rebirth as a king, the main one being the fight with Grendel s mom. Because of birthing imagery depicted in the scene, Beowulf drops into the abyss a thane, and essentially, through rebirth, emerges as a king. The text reads that Beowulf returned from the abyss which was a surge of waves with blood in the backwash, a very clear version of birthing imagery (P. 68). Also, the text says, He who wields power of time and tide: He is the true Lord (P. 68). This is significant to the idea that Beowulf has been reborn a king since he emerged from the lake, a birthing image, and is upheld as the true lord. Wiglaf, although less indicated in this motif, still shares a common parallel in the fact that he begins his battle with the dragon as a thane and ends as a king. When Wiglaf is described before the battle, it is said that this was his first time to be tested as a fighter (P. 89). However, the text directly after shows Wiglaf to have wise and fluent words, a qua lity of a king (P. 89). Also, birthing imagery is apparent in Wiglaf s story because of the use of the cave, a indicator of the womb. At the start ofShow MoreRelatedHeroes : A Comparison Of Beowulf And Wolverine750 Words  | 3 PagesFrom the medieval times to the aftermath of World War II we have two different but extremely similar hero figures in history. One was Beowulf, an inexperienced warrior who turned into a developed king. The other was what some would call abnormal who was later turned into a science experiment known as Wolverine. Beowulf and Wolverine are very harsh and pitiless when it comes to conflict. From ripping limbs off with crude strength to tearing their enemies into pieces, it goes to show just howRead MoreChristianism And Paganism In Beowulf2091 Words  | 9 PagesChristianity vs. Paganism Beowulf is an epic poem combining different stories consisting of contrasting elements, such as paganism and Christianity. Within these stories of Beowulf and the followers of Beowulf, as well as the enemies, paganism actually played the role of the largest religion practiced versus that of Christianity. The stories that make up this epic go by their own titles like, The Wrath of Grendel, The Coming of Beowulf, The Battle with Grendel, The Monster’s Lair, The Battle withRead MoreGrendel and Obj1412 Words  | 6 PagesBeowulf Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Comprehension The questions below refer to the selections â€Å"from Beowulf, Part One,†â€Å"from Grendel,†â€Å"Life in 999: A Grim Struggle,†and â€Å"from Beowulf, Part Two.†____ 1. Beowulf slays Grendel in order to  |a. |save Hrothgar and the Danes from the monster | |b. |prevent Grendel from invading theRead MoreThe Heroic Significance of Christ in The Dream of the Rood Essay978 Words  | 4 PagesChristianity to pagan warriors. By comparing characteristics, duties, and treatment of heroes in Beowulf and the Battle of Maldon to the depiction of Christ in The Dream of the Rood, it becomes evident that the image of Christ is altered to mirror that of heroic warriors. Through this melding of heroic beliefs and Christianity, the poet of Rood is able to show how Christ can become the ultimate ring giver or Lord. 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It is actually quite easy to get the impression that he is the Anglo-Saxon version of Thor, that he is the epitome of the heroic archetype. However, throughout the course of the poem, the text begins to evoke certa in emotions and thoughts of Beowulf’s psyche and prerogative. The storyRead MoreExploring The Anglo-Saxon Hero2467 Words  | 10 Pages What is a hero? Perhaps it should be rephrased: who is a hero? Of course, it now becomes easy to answer – we can say Odysseus, as he didn’t just assist in the victory at Troy, but fought the gods with his longing for his home; or Beowulf, who fought of the terrible monsters in Hrothgar’s kingdom as well as his own; or Byrhtnoth, who died while defending the land he loved. Clearly, it is easy to list off the heroes in these ancient poems. However, why is this so, why can we so easily identifyRead MoreRevenge In Beowulf And Iliad1605 Words  | 7 Pagesthrough Beowulf and Iliad. In Beowulf, it seen through numerous characters. Revenge is a unique emotion in which is can be very motivating to accomplish a certain task, to serve for justice. In Iliad, Achilles using the feeling of Revenge to complete his journey. Comparing the two stories, vengeances is shown in both, and both stories have a unique way of related the events of the story to the events and the culture and society at the time the stories were written. Revenge in Beowulf: In Beowulf revengeRead MoreFilm Analysis Of Beowulf2063 Words  | 9 Pagesthe Darkness, the Talons in the Night. Mine is Strength... and Lust... and Power! I AM BEOWULF!†Thus the door slams and Grendel, a grotesque monster plaguing the mead-hall Herot, has his left arm torn clean off. Beowulf, the brave hero, has rid the Danes of their terrors once and for all; Grendel left to die in the bubbling hell on earth he calls home. However; this is not how the exact story is followed. â€Å"Beowulf†was first conceived as an epic, retold and sung by many called scops before finally
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Price And Non Price Competition In Markets Economics Essay Free Essays
Every one set up the concern for the interest net incomes.Firms sell goods and services through a assortment of direct and indirect channels. In order to increase the net income orto increase the gross of the house we can follow the monetary value competition or non-price competition. We will write a custom essay sample on Price And Non Price Competition In Markets Economics Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the monetary value competition companies seek to pull clients entirely on the footing of merchandise price.In this seller ‘s seek to act upon client demand chiefly through altering the monetary values of the merchandises. In the non pricecompetition cost of thecost of the merchandise is minimized and other doing factors are maximized by the creative activity of a typical quality about the merchandise such as its design, public presentation, advertisement, complementary and utility goods, handiness, client services and trueness plans. In monopoly market monetary value competition is more good to the houses because merely few Sellerss are available in the market. In oligopoly market non monetary value competition is more good to the houses because market is controlled by the little group of houses. In monopolistic market non monetary value competition is more good to the signifiers because it is imperfect competition in short tally and perfect competition in long tally analysis. Unilever limited $ 1:40 $ 1:50 $ 1:40 Procure A ; Gamble $ 1:50 12000 12000 29000 11000 3000 21000 20000 20000 For the above illustration it can demo the monetary value competition.when of all time the monetary values are remains same in the $ 1:40 and the net income of the monetary value remains unchanged.Most of the houses followed by the dominant scheme. In the monetary value competition that depends up on the oppositions motion. That ‘s why houses are largely used in non monetary value competition. For illustration Pepsi Cola and Cocos nucifera Cola are ever used in the non monetary value competition. Elasticity In order to mensurate this reactivity of quality to monetary value alterations, and finally impact on the entire gross. It is called snap. It is defined as the per centum alteration in one variable relation to a per centum alteration in another variable. Ep= ( a?†Q/a?†P ) * ( P/Q ) Where Ep= Coefficient of monetary value snap a?†Q=percentage alteration in measure a?†P=percentage alteration in monetary value a?†=absolute alteration The measure demanded or supplied alterations will alter when the monetary value alterations. This is known as monetary value snap of demand and monetary value snap of supply severally. Elasticity is a step of comparatively alterations. If the monetary value of the mandatory goods can be increased and the consumer can take the complementary goods so it is called elastic and the consumer can non take the complementary goods, they are mandatory goods so it called inelastic. In general, Oligopolies involve a big sum of non-price competition. Product development is one country of competition, and advertisement makes up a big part of non-price competition as good. Oligopolists are big houses and hence can afford to publicize Monetary value is the value placed on what is exchanged. Something of value is exchanged for satisfaction and public-service corporation, includes touchable ( functional ) and intangible ( prestigiousness ) factors. Buyers must find if the public-service corporation gained from the exchange is worth the purchasing power that must be sacrificed. Price represents the value of a good/service among possible purchases and for guaranting competition among Sellerss in an unfastened market economic system. Sellers need to understand the value consumers derive from a merchandise and utilize this as a footing for pricing a merchandise  must make this if we are client oriented. Percentage alteration in measure demanded comparative to the per centum alteration in monetary value. % alteration in Qtty demanded             – % alteration in monetary value Elastic demand is more sensitive to monetary value than inelastic demand. Elastic demand, greater than1 Inelastic demand, less than 1 Unitary demand, equal to 1 TR = Price * Qtty If demand is elastic so alteration in monetary value causes an opposite alteration in the entire gross. If demand is inelastic so alteration in monetary value causes the same alteration in the entire gross. The less elastic the demand, the more good it is for the marketer to increase monetary value. Demand is more supply is less so the of the merchandise monetary value will be additions. It can be possible in merely in the monopoly market.because individual house leads the full market. In the same manner when the demand is more supply is less so the merchandise of the monetary value will non be additions in the oligopoly market because in the oligopoly all the houses holding the same monetary value and varies the merchandise in the nonprice competition. In the shop they arranged all shampoos in the similar trade names are side by side. In the shop the two merchandises of the different trade names are arranged side by side so the demand and monetary values of the different trade names are same. In the monopolistic market two more houses lead the market.in the monopolistic market besides follows the nonprice competition. Choosing the right shampoo can be a hard undertaking. There are 100s of trade names, each with infinite assortments, runing from conditioning shampoo to anti-dandruff shampoo.most work forces could care less about what type of shampoo they use.A So demo your adult male some love byA purchasing himA a shampoo that will maintain his hair healthy.A Water is the first ingredient in all shampoos. Detergent is the 2nd ingredient listed on a shampoo label. The staying ingredients include moisturizers, thickenings, conditioners, aromas, infusions, dyes, and more. If happening a hairdresser to assist is unrealistic, there are a couple easy things to retrieve about happening a professional shampoo. Coarse hair tends to be more crisp and dry, so use a heavier shampoo with humidifying belongingss. Fine hair lays flatter and suffers from inactive, so avoid volume shampoos as they can dry out even more, and concentrate on light wet. Curly hair can be coarse of mulct, but by and large, utilizing a shampoo that has frizz combatants and wet is the best option, like Redken ‘s Fresh Curls. For colour treated hair types, most professional trade names have formulated all of their shampoos to be colour safe. For added protection, nevertheless, alternate a colour shampoo with a wet or equilibrating shampoo. Oily hair needs a reconciliation shampoo to modulate the pH of the hair and scalp, like Matrix ‘s Normalizing Shampoo. For utmost waterlessness and flaking, any shampoo with tea tree or batch oils for ingredients is preferred. Professional trade name shampoos are the best option for soft, healthy, and glistening hair. With easy entree to them, cheap monetary values, and so much assortment for different hair textures, there ‘s no alibi for cognizing how to truly take attention of hair. Hair strands are made up of protein or ceratin. They have a softer, more fictile indoors called the cerebral mantle, and a harder, stronger run alonging called the cuticle. Most generic shampoos are non strong plenty to properly perforate the cuticle and cleanse the interior of the hair strand, which is the occupation of shampoo. Alternatively, they coat the cuticle and merely buildup on the hair. Since most shop trade name shampoos are made with more detergent and sulphates, the buildup they cause is normally waxen and heavy. Particularly for adult females who perm, relax, or colourise their hair, these shampoos will turn glistening, healthy hair into dull, weighed down strands Learn why its better to purchase professional shampoo and how to happen the best one or your budget, life manner and hair type. In the shampoo industry there are figure of trade names.Each trade name can be manufactured by many merchandises, and the every merchandise has many types.All the trade names are manufactured merchandises like Antidandruff, loss of hair autumn, black and satiny, to acquire vitamins, long and turn hair. I visited a local super market Spencers, consult the gross revenues director ( koteswararao ) .i enquiry about how much infinite allocated for shampoos. He tells that 2.3 % of the entire volume of the store.in this shop all the shampoos are placed in the left corner of the entryway. That row contains 7racks all of them are FMCG products.The 3 rack is allocated for shampoos.The trade names that i ound in the rack are Hindustan unilever limited, procter and gamble, cavin attention, Himalaya drug company, loreal, ITC, Godrej and many more trade names. Trade name merchandises Space allocated Market size Hindustan Unilever Limited Sun silk, Dove, All clear, clinic plus 35 % 50 % Procter A ; Gamble Head A ; shoulders, Pantene, wella, Rejoice 25 % 16 % Cavin attention Meera, chik, Nyle 15 % 19 % Himalaya drug Company Himalaya herb teas 5 % 15 % Godrej Neem, Johnson A ; Johnson, kesini 5 % Loreal Loreal, Garnier 10 % ITC Vivel extremist pro 5 % I find that many clients are willing to purchase hul merchandises. I asked one of the client why all of them are purchasing shampoos and what are the benefits to you. He said that on watching advertizements he started purchasing hul merchandises.and besides tells that hul has more assortment of merchandises and they are updating the merchandises frequently.By this ever gets a new stock.the ingredients which are utilizing hul merchandises are non harmul to our health.the monetary value of the hul merchandises are sensible and available to all the categories of the people.thats why he is taking hul merchandises. Compared the rural and urban countries, urban countries are more gross revenues in shampoos because it is hard to acquire natural products.hul merchandises are more interact with the all sorts of countries. Most of the people populating in the urban countries are coming from the rural.they all of them know hulproducts.thats why hul merchandises has more gross revenues comparing to the other trade names. When the demand of the shampoo additions monetary value is automatically lessenings, because if any merchandise has more demand so automatically many of them starts the concern. Hul has a greater supply and the other are comparatively low compared to hul.thats why the supply of hul additions monetary value besides increases.shampoos are inelastic merchandises because there are no complement products.in this quality demanded or supplied alterations will alter when the monetary value alterations. How to cite Price And Non Price Competition In Markets Economics Essay, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
What are the main difficulties human scientists confront when trying to provide explanations of human behaviour Essay Example For Students
What are the main difficulties human scientists confront when trying to provide explanations of human behaviour? Essay What are the main difficulties human scientists confront when trying to provide explanations of human behaviour? What methods have been invented to circumvent these difficulties and to minimize their influence on the results that are obtained? Although many people in the field of human sciences try to get their disciplines to be recognized as pure sciences, there are many differences that distinguish the natural sciences from the human sciences. There is a certain kudos that comes with the natural sciences that people in the human sciences crave, but human sciences can never be like the natural sciences. This is what causes there to be difficulties with human scientists trying to explain their science. They lack the definite, and factual ground on which the natural sciences are based. When a natural scientist hypothesises that when he heats some water to 100 degrees, it will boil. And then after an experiment, it is shown that it does, one can not argue that perhaps on another day the water wouldnt feel like boiling at 100 degrees, or that perhaps it was only boiling at that temperature because there were people watching. Water boiling at 100 degrees is a scientific fact. It will occur every time the experiment is carried out. However, in the field of human sciences, these facts do not exist, and this makes it very difficult for a human scientist to prove any of his theories, or speculate on situations with any authority. The reason for this is that the study of human sciences involves, obviously, human behaviour. Human behaviour does not follow the same patterns that are observed with particles of matter, or certain metals, it is almost totally unpredictable. However, the human sciences do use similar methods of attaining knowledge to the natural sciences. The methods by which the human scientist attains knowledge has the same basic principles to that of the natural scientist. They have hypotheses which they test through observing, and analysing their observations. However, in the natural sciences, the observer is quite distinct from the experiment, as an astronomist is distinct from the planets and stars that he is observing. Whereas, in the human sciences, a human is the observer, and humans are the experiment. This complicates things. In every science there are theories. In the natural sciences these theories can be proved true or false, and therefore it can be determined whether these theories have an effect the result of the experiment. In the human sciences, a theory can affect the experiment whether it is true or false, and so all theories have to be considered by the person conducting the experiment. Another difficulty that the human scientists have to face is that the behaviour of their subjects can change depending on whether the subject knows about the experiment or not. For example, if an experiment was to observe the way someone reacted when faced with a certain situation, and if there was a camera there filming the person, they might act very differently from what they would if there wasnt a camera there, or if they didnt know there was a camera there. It is these sorts of problems that make it difficult for the human scientist to conclude anything from their experiment. Any conclusions that they do try to draw can be easily dismissed. That can merely suggest possible trends in behaviour, or possible reasons for a persons actions. This is all merely speculation and it is difficult for anyone to believe that these human sciences have any true value, in the sense that the natural sciences are valuable. However, there are methods that are used to circumvent the difficulties faced by the human sciences. In their experimentation, to get the most accurate result, they use the greatest sample number of people as possible. This gives the observer a much clearer view of the human behaviour of the general population, as opposed to one person, or a small group of people. .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c , .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c .postImageUrl , .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c , .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c:hover , .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c:visited , .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c:active { border:0!important; } .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c:active , .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u41be20ac69d171bd65edee21cdaf904c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How Many Pages is 7500 Words?This does not give them hard facts of course, but their findings can be much more persuasive if the experiment involved many people. Another method which they employ, which is very important, is making sure that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" in some experiments this may not need be the case à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" the people in the experiment, are unaware of their involvement. People act very differently if they know they are being observed. If this method can be kept to, the behaviour of the people in the experiment will be much more natural, and so the results will be more accurate. These methods are not foolproof, but they help in making the results more accurate. The human sciences can never be the same as the natural sciences, in the way of giving hard facts, and having laws which are never broken, but they are still useful.. They are used to predict the human behaviour of a group of people, based on trends that have emerged from the results of their experiments. They will always have difficulties in justifying and explaining their results, but that certainly doesnt mean that the human sciences are worthless. They play an important role in the global society that we live in today.
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