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Powerful Essay on why malignancy is preventable. Malignant growth is the subsequent driving reason for death in the United States. This y...
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Marriage and Divorce in Hard Times - 2815 Words
Marriage and Divorce in Dickens’ Hard Times: A Statement on the Religious Morals of 19th Century British Society The Victorian era in England gave birth to the first real industrial society the world had ever seen. With the rise of industry came large cities, an expanded working class population and the rapid rise of imperialism. Although England was progressing towards a more powerful place in the world, its citizens seemed to be drifting in the opposite direction. Oppressive laws and working conditions set clear boundaries between classes in England. The most oppressive social and state laws were those regarding to marriages and divorces. Just as the people of England felt trapped in the unequal social structure of England, the same is†¦show more content†¦Judge William Blackstone had announced that husbands could administer moderate correction to disobedient wives, and there were other means: as late as 1895, Edith Lanchesters father had her kidnapped and committed to a lunatic asylum for cohabiting with a man†(Wojtczak, â€Å"English Women’s History†). Although religion is not explicitly mentioned in Hard Times, religious values were involved in the social structure of England. Social and government laws were based on religious morals. For example, The Bible specifically states, â€Å"Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband†(King James Version, 1. Corinthians. 7.3). The Bible notes that the husband should treat his wife with benevolence. When one thinks of marriage, they think of love and emotions. This certainly does not seem to be the case in Mr. and Mrs. Gradgrind’s marriage. A perfect example of this is when Mrs. Gradgrind quotes on her deathbed, â€Å"You must remember my dear, that whenever I have said anything, on any subject, I have never heard the last of it; and consequently, that I have long left off saying anything†(Dickens’ 151). To expand this further, The Bible also notes that, â€Å"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother , and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh†(Genesis, 2.24). The Bible promotes the idea of a man and woman being together as â€Å"one flesh.†To be â€Å"one†is to be equal or balanced. This is not theShow MoreRelatedPopular Culture s Negative Influence Essay1727 Words  | 7 PagesCelebrating twenty-eight years of marriage seems to be a pretty impressive feat in today’s world. Not to mention all the couples who have been together for forty, even fifty years. 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